Fiber Glass Conveyor Belts
We can offer belts with several mesh densities (1x2, 2x2, 4x4) mostly used in drying machine, food industry, or shrinking tunnels. (they can resist up to 300°C)
Siamo in grado di offrire nastri con molteplici fittezze di rete (1x2, 2x2, 4x4), utilizzati principalmente in asciugatoi, nell’industria alimentare, o nei tunnel di retrazione. (Questi nastri possono resistere fino a 300°C)
Shipments all over the world
Conveyor Belts Customizations
Low production times
Belts developed in Italian Warehouse
Italian, English, French or Spanish
4000+ Customer all over the world
262 kw of solar panel
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